Saturday, May 9, 2020

How Does Social Inequality Effect A Child s Educational...

How does social inequality effect a child’s educational achievement in England? Introduction There have been many different theories, debates and discussions regarding the relationship between educational achievement and social class of children. I will be discussing these points of views using a range of resources to support my statement. Social class can be referred to as; ‘’large groups of people differing from each other in terms of the place the occupy in a determined system of social production, mostly by there role, wealth and the mode of requiring that wealth’’ (Vladimir Lenin, 1919). This includes the upper class, middle class and working class. Children enter the education system from all different backgrounds and leave with different experiences and results. According to statistics and data taken from the The Youth Cohort Study (2007) it shows that middle class children on average perform better than working class children. This is because the poorest and most disadvantaged homes are the ones that achieve the lowest results. This problem has been identified as a policy concern for all three major political parties in the United Kingdom (UK). In December 2007, the government published a plan called ‘Building brighter futures’it has been designed to eradicate child poverty and social division. Ed balls said that he wanted England to be ‘ the best place in the world for our children and young people to grow up ’ (GOV, 2007). Historical development of socialShow MoreRelatedMain Features Of Progressive Education1243 Words   |  5 Pagessociety and globally in a wider context. Movement and changes of education trends also influence political agenda, school policies, educators, students themselves and their families mutually. Defining a good primary school should be in consideration of social, cultural and economic aspects of our contemporary society in the 21st century. In that sense, a progressive education philosophy is considered important for a good primary school in its psychological and sociological features. This essay will discussRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act1737 Words   |  7 PagesFirst, what is the achievement gap? According to the achievement gap in education refers to systematic variances in the ability to learn between students from majority populations and students from minority populations. The most significant effort made by the federal government to improve the nation s schools and student learning is the 2002 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The ESEA was largely designed to address the achievement gap in multicultural educationRead MoreIs This Truly The Case? If So, What Are The Reasons For1427 Words   |  6 PagesIs this truly the case? If so, what are the reasons for this broad range of inequality in our education system? The answer is; yes, this is the case, and it can be proven statistically. There are two definitive reasons why. First is the inflated cost of education in America. Secondly is the inability of poor families to acquire the substantial financial capital that is required to pay for a quality education for their children. Both of these conclusions can be supported with a cost analysis of educationRead MoreSocial Inequality And Social Class Essay1377 Words   |  6 PagesThe idea of social inequality dates back since the time of our founding fathers. The mistreatment and unlawful equality and opportunit y that these foreigners received became embedded into our history—this endless list includes, just to name a few, the Irish, Chinese, Jews, and most notably the African Americans (Blacks), who became slaves to the American people. 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I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic where, within my social group, schooling and education was deemed as an essential part of life. In the United States, however, there exist a greater number of racial and ethnic groups, and it is evident that an achievement gap exists among these groups. Here, Dominicans are marginalized as part of a Hispanic minority group that does not achieve the educational status of other groups, such as WhitesRead MoreInequality in British Schools2111 Words   |  9 Pagesthere a problem of Inequality in British schools? The educational system is one of the most influential institutions in society as it provides young people with a vast amount of knowledge, attitudes and skills. These are acquired formally through set lessons or informally through the ‘hidden curriculum’ which provides the unofficial and unplanned consequences of school experience. Social Inequality is one of the major preoccupations of sociology. The relationship between inequality and education hasRead MoreThe Hierarchy Of Race And Ethnic Groups1351 Words   |  6 Pagesmost important jobs, the secondary socialization role: teaching norms and values, social control: teaching acceptance of rules and authority, and social cohesion: learning about other cultures.† Functionalists tend to think we all have the same opportunities from the start of school, and that it is up to the individual on what he or she decides to with those opportunities. Thus, in a functionalist perspective, inequality is not an issue; a func tionalist would say you have the same opportunities whereasRead MoreImpact of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Performance4432 Words   |  18 PagesEffects of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Performance Name Instructor Introduction Problem statement America today faces an issue of epic proportion that is critically essential. An issue that continues to affect her economy, challenge her highest ideals as well as reducing the competitiveness of her workforce, an issue that is deeply rooted her history, her society as well as her culture. The issue in question here is education inequality. This project explores the belief thatRead MoreThe Black White Achievement Gap1462 Words   |  6 Pagesnot successfully closed the achievement gap. These students’ are generally lower performing that whites and Asians and sometimes lower than Hispanic and/or socio-economically disadvantaged. According to Sohn (2012) the phenomenon of the black white achievement gap has returned. Slaven and Madden (2006) assert â€Å"The gap in academic achievement between African American (as well as Latino) children and their White peers is arguably the most important of all educational problems in the U.S.† (p. 389)

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